The pneumatic actuator in Tecnopolymer Enolgas are compact and produces an equal torque output.
Utilizing the same body and end caps for double acting and spring return units. Stainless steel pinion with anti-blowout protection in both direction. The serie have ISO 5211 dimensions on all sizes which allow to assembly the actuator with valves, box micro, positioners ecc. Without any brachets.
The standard angle of rotations is 90°. External open/close indicator is standard on all the sizes, and the springs for single effect actuator are epoxy coated special steel springs.
Air pressure operation from 2 to 10 Bar (40 – 150 PSI). All external fasteners are corrosion resistant stainless steel and all the units are lubricated at the factory with non-silicone grease. 100% of all unitas manufactured are pressure leak tested.