NORD Unicase Helical-Bevel Geared Motor
94 - 32.000 Nm
0,12 - 160 kW
Ratio:8.04:1 - 4916.63:1
Helical - bevel gear units
Helical - bevel gear units are angular gear units in which the motor shaft and the output shaft from a 90° angle. Through this, a beneficial spatial arrangement of the drive arises.
Nord helical bevel gear units alway shave multiple gear stages.
Helical bevel gear units are available with an integrated backstop.
The bevel gear can be placed to the left or right of the bevel pinion, through which the direction of rotation between the drive shaft and output shaft reverses.
Efficiency :
The great advantage of the helical bevel gear unit is the almost constant efficiency over the entire gear ratio range that practically equals that of helical and parallel shaft gear units.
POWER-UP RESOURCES SB - NORD distributor, NORD supplier in Malaysia.
We supply NORD to others countries, eg. Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam etc.
Nord Malaysia.