资产搜索 Asset Search

资产搜索 Asset Search

Category: 企业调查 Corporate Investigation Available
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There have been many debts and loans that have been made over the years thar people were unable to collect on, no matter what they tried. With the recent problems of the economy, this is a problem that has become even more out of the hand than it ever was in the past. This type of situation can be very frustrating to deal with if you happen to be the person that is having to take valuable time away from your busy schedule to find ways to recover money that is owed to you.

If you are stuck in a situation where you have been unable to collect on a loan that was made, a debt that someone owes to you, or if you are trying to obtain information for litigation that is expected to occur in a divorce, the situation can be turned in your favor if you contact our private investigator to perform an asset search investigation. We have the experience and the skill that is required to locate many different types of assets that a person may be trying to hide, just so they can keep from having to pay debts that they owe. There are several types of assets that people have tried to hide, and sadly there are numerous people that get away with this type of dishonest act when the innocent victims quit fighting for the money that is due them and just throw their hands up in defeat.

Once there’s a solid base to work from, we investigate the property, bank accounts, real estate holdings, credit, trust accounts, vehicles and even PayPal accounts. That’s dynamite information, and it can expose very useful information about a person if the search is carried out properly and professionally. If it isn’t, you’ll get nothing, or worse, you’ll get legal problems. There are many reasons why a person may want to hire asset search services, especially from a private asset investigator. However, some reasons are more common that others. Let’s discuss some of them in detail.

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