1202 Bank Soalan Matematik Tingkatan 4 KSSM

1202 Bank Soalan Matematik Tingkatan 4 KSSM

Category: Matematik/Mathematics Available (Qty:3)
Purchasable on official site
RM 10.95 For more information, visit our official website at sbcbookcentre.com


Ciri ciri ekstra
*Mesti Tahu – Definisi penting , fakta penting , kesalahan yang biasa dilakukan
*Tip SOs – Tip untuk menjawab soalan
- Nota ringkas
- Latihan intensif
- Soalan berkualiti
-100% format SPM
- Jawapan lengkap
*Must Know - Important definitions, important facts, common mistakes
*SOs Tips - Tips for answering questions
- Brief note
- Intensive topical practices
-100% SPM format
- HOTS practices
- Collection of cloned SPM questions
- Complete answer
*Our products are 100% original from manufacturer and we are authorised distributors for most famous brand.

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