Zoladex Depot

Zoladex Depot

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Goserelin acetate
Management of prostate cancer, breast cancer in premenopausal & perimenopausal women suitable for hormonal manipulation; alleviates symptoms including pain, reduces size & number of endometrial lesions in management of endometriosis; endometrial prethinning prior to endometrial ablation or resection; in conjunction w/ Fe therapy in haematological improvement of anaemic patients w/ fibroids prior to surgery; pituitary downregulation in prep for superovulation.
1 depot SC inj into anterior abdominal wall every 28 days. Endometriosis Max: 6 mth. Endometrial thinning 4 or 8 wk of treatment. Anaemia due to uterine fibroids 1 depot inj w/ Fe supplements may be given for up to 3 mth pre-op. Assisted reproduction 1 depot SC inj.
Drug interaction
Drugs known to prolong QT interval or induce Torsade de pointes eg, class IA or III antiarrhyhtmics, methadone, moxifloxacin, antipsychotics.

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