
Category: Photovoltaic Testers Available
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I-V curve tracer for maintenance and troubleshooting of photovoltaic systems up to 1500V and 40A
I-V600 allows field tracing of I-V curve of modules and strings up to 1500V and 40A. Once traced the I-V curve, thanks to the user updatable database of modules, I-V600 compares the measured data to the nominal values as provided by the manufacturer of the module/string under test to return a clear OK/NOT OK response. Communication to the remote unit SOLAR-03 is granted up to 100m (in free field), and the logging function in case the communication was impossible (obstacles such as floor, concrete structures, etc.), it is always possible to trace the I-V curve regardless the environment the installation is in.
I-V600 traces the I-V curve of mono-facial and bi-facial modules. According to IEC technical specification TS 60904-1-2, in addition to the front-side radiation, I-V600 measures the back-side radiation by two different sensors (to consider the rear side irradiance non-uniformity).
I-V600 drives up to 3 solar radiation reference cells, but no more tons of parameters to set and high risk of misconfiguration. I-V600 automatically recognizes the calibration parameters of the reference cells connected.
Running out of battery power is every professional's worst nightmare. Finding yourself without battery power in the middle of nowhere with a job to be delivered within hours would put anyone in trouble. Thanks to the patented BMS (Battery Management System), I-V600 recharges its own batteries by recovering the power absorbed while tracing the I-V curve. With I-V600 it is possible to reach the PV field with fully flat batteries, start the measuring campaign, and end it with fully charged batteries. BMS turned the worst nightmare into the best dream ever!
Reversing graphics to read the display properly even while hanging the instrument upside-down to the module rails, Wi-Fi connection to smartphones and tablets, and the microSD card slot to expand the memory complete the functions that I-V600 provides.

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United Integration Technology Sdn Bhd
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