95mm x 210mm (DL)

95mm x 210mm (DL)

Category: NCR Book Available 180 variants are available
Binding Type - Orientation + Binding Loc.
Book - Landscape + Left side bindingBook - Portrait + Top side bindingPad - Landscape + Left side bindingPad - Landscape + Top side bindingPad - Portrait - Left side bindingPad - Portrait - Top side binding
Paper Material + Layer (Set)
NCR - 3 Layers (50set)Normal - 1 Layer (100set)NCR - 2 Layers (100set)
Print Colour (Front)
1 Color2 Color
Quantity (book)
100 books10 books20 books30 books50 books
Purchasable on official site
RM200.00 - RM1170.00 For more information, visit our official website at vertexprinting.my

  • Size: 95mmx210mm
  • Binding Type: Book, Pad
  • Orientation + Binding Loc.: Landscape + Left side binding, Landscape + Top side binding, Portrait + Left side binding, Portrait + Top side binding
  • Paper Material + Layer (Set): Normal - 1 Layer (100set), NCR - 2 Layers (100set), NCR - 3 Layers (50set)
  • Print Colour (Front): 1 Color, 2 Color
  • Quantity (book): 10 books, 20 books, 30 books, 50 books, 100 books

Professional Invoicing: Make a lasting impression with professionally designed invoices. Our Bill Book provides a polished and standardized format for creating invoices, enhancing your brand's image and instilling confidence in your clients.

Convenient Size: The convenient size of our Bill Book makes it easy to carry and use on the go. Whether you're meeting clients or managing finances in the office, this compact yet comprehensive tool ensures you have everything you need at your fingertips.

Duplicate Copy System: The duplicate copy system of our Bill Book ensures that you maintain accurate records effortlessly. Create a copy for your client while retaining a duplicate for your records, streamlining your documentation process.

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VERTEX PRINTING Printing Shop Johor Bahru (JB), Inkjet Printing Masai, Offset Printing Malaysia ~ VERTEX PRINTING
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