Salt-Bath Furnaces for Heat Treatment of Steel or Light Metals

Salt-Bath Furnaces for Heat Treatment of Steel or Light Metals

Category: Thermal Process Technology Available
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Salt-bath furnaces have an excellent temperature uniformity and ensure very good heat transfer to the work piece. Generally, heat treatment can be carried out with shorter dwell times than in chamber furnaces. Since the charge is heat treated with the exclusion of oxygen, scale and discoloration on the surface of the parts are kept to a minimum. The salt-bath furnaces TS 20/15 - TSB 90/80 can be used for heat treatment of metals in neutral and active salt baths. They are used for processes such as nitriding according to Tenifer up to 600 °C, carburization to 950 °C or bright annealing to 1000 °C.

The crucible is inserted so that it is suspended in the salt-bath furnace and can be replaced easily if necessary. Two crucible types are available:

Crucibles are wearing parts because they are exposed to thermal stress during the heating and cooling process and corrosive salt. The following parameters influence wear of the crucible:

Salt-bath furnaces are available for heat treatment of steel and aluminum: Features for heat treatment of steel:

Features for heat treatment of aluminum like steel, but

Salt-bath furnaces can be delivered electrically heated or gas-fired


Model Tmax Inner dimensions salt-bath crucible Volume Outer dimensions in mm Heating Electrical Weight
  °C 2 Ø in mm h in mm in l W D H power in kW 1 connection in kg
TS 20/15 750 3 230 500 20 850 850 800 16 3-phase 650
TS 30/18 750 3 300 500 30 950 950 800 20 3-phase 700
TS 40/30 750 3 400 500 60 1050 1050 800 33 3-phase 750
TS 50/48 750 3 500 600 110 1150 1150 970 58 3-phase 1000
TS 60/63 750 3 610 800 220 1250 1250 970 70 3-phase 1200
TS 70/72 750 3 700 1000 370 1350 1350 1370 80 3-phase 1500
TS 90/80 750 3 900 1000 500 1600 1600 1400 100 3-phase 1700
TS, TSB 20/20 1000 230 500 20 850 850 800 21 3-phase 650
TS, TSB 30/30 1000 300 500 30 950 950 800 33 3-phase 700
TS, TSB 40/40 1000 400 500 60 1050 1050 800 44 3-phase 750
TS, TSB 50/60 1000 500 600 110 1150 1150 970 66 3-phase 1000
TS, TSB 60/72 1000 610 800 220 1250 1250 970 80 3-phase 1200
TS, TSB 70/90 1000 700 1000 370 1350 1350 1370 100 3-phase 1500
TS, TSB 90/80 1000 900 1000 500 1600 1600 1400 120 3-phase 1700
1Depending on furnace design connected load might be higher 
2Salt bath temperature
3Tmax for heat treatment of aluminum 550 °C


Process Examples with Petrofer and Durferrit Salts
TS models up to 750 °C
Nitriding Nitrogen 420, Nitrogen 460, Nitrogen 500
Annealing and blackening SFS 240
Hardening, Tempering, Annealing, Quenching GS 185, GS 230, GS 250, GS 345, GS 405, GS 406, GS 430, GS 520
Preheating, annealing of gold, silver or brass GS 560, HS 545
TS models up to 1000 °C
Carbonitriding, carburizing Carbogen VC, Carbogen OK
Annealing, hardening, preheating HS 535, HS 545, HS 535, GS 560, GS 660
Carburizing Carbogen Universal, Carborapid + GS-ZS, Carbomax +GS-ZS, Carbogen 800/800 ST, Carbogen 1000/ 1000 ST, CECONTROL 50H, CECONTROL 80B, CECONTROL 110B, CECONSTANT 80, CECONSTANT 100
Preheating of high-speed steel, annealing GS 540, GS 660, GS 670, GS 750, HS 550, HS 635, HS 760
Preheating, annealing of gold, silver or brass GS 560, HS 545
TS models for aluminum
Artificial ageing, solution annealing AS 135, AS 200, AS 225, AVS 220, AVS 250


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