Rhino is a programmable drop-in MOSFET which is specially designed for KWA replica. With high speed processor and 2 high power MOSFET chips, this system has many individualized programmable functions, such as piston positioning, binary trigger, multiple-shot and so on. Besides, it also has the functions of battery low-voltage warning and gearbox block-up protection. It can effectively improve the stability, shooting speed and response speed of gearbox, at the same time, it can completely eliminate the problem of gearbox single-shot
become multiple-shot. The module uses a maximum of 4S batteries.
This upgrade kit is designed for KWA AEG with KWA 2.5&3.0 gearbox. The compatibility with all KWA AEG is not guaranteed, but it can fit into KWA 2.5&3.0 replicas without larger modification. Related Tools and skills is needed for installing the product.
Compatible Replica:
KWA QRF MOD.1, KWA QRF MOD.2, KWA QRF MOD.3, KWA/KSC TK.45 ERG, KWA/KSC TK.45C AEG, KWA/KSC Ronin 47(AEG 2.5), KWA RM4 Ronin T10, KWA RM4 Ronin T6......
Main parameters:
SAFE:This mode is completely the same as original safe mode. The trigger is stopped by Safety lever
SEMI: This mode can be programmed to implementing semi-auto, double stroke single shot, 3-round burst to 6-round burst, the default mode is semi auto
AUTO: This mode can be programmed to implementing full-auto, 3-round burst, 6-round burst and 9-round burst, the default mode is Full-auto
Make sure that the surfaces of these sensors are clean and that there are no objects blocking the infrared LED emission signal.
By default, the cut-off lever will prevent the gear sensor from receiving the infrared signal transmitted by the gear infrared LED. When the gear rotates to a specific position, the cut-off lever will be lifted, and the gear sensor can receive the infrared signal. DTU will judge whether the gearbox operates normally according to whether the gear sensor detects the infrared signal.
Please ensure that the cut-off lever can be lifted and released every time the gear rotate
The selector sensor needs white sticker to work normally. When the white sticker moves above the selector sensor, the signal transmitted by the selector infrared LED will be reflected into the selector sensor through the white sticker. The DTU will judge the position of the selector plate according to whether the selector sensor can receive the infrared signal
2.Find the white sticker from the accessory bag and stick it to the designated position on the selector plate, cut-off lever is needed!!! do not remove it: