Category: Valve Available (Qty:50)
RM 124.00 For more information, visit our official website at coolauto.com.my


In a car's air conditioning (A/C) system, automotive valves are essential components that control the flow of refrigerant and manage the system's performance. Here’s a brief overview of their role, functions, and maintenance:
Role and Functions

  1. Refrigerant Flow Control: Valves regulate the flow of refrigerant between different parts of the A/C system, such as between the condenser and evaporator. This ensures proper cooling and heating based on system demands.
  2. Pressure Regulation: Some valves, like the expansion valve or thermal expansion valve (TXV), regulate the pressure of the refrigerant to ensure it evaporates at the correct temperature and pressure within the evaporator.
  3. System Efficiency: By controlling the flow and pressure of the refrigerant, valves help optimize the efficiency of the A/C system, improving cooling performance and fuel efficiency.
  4. Temperature Management: Valves adjust the amount of refrigerant entering the evaporator to control the temperature of the air blowing into the cabin.
Types of Valves
  1. Expansion Valve (TXV): Controls the amount of refrigerant entering the evaporator and maintains the correct pressure and temperature.
  2. Orifice Tube: A fixed metering device that restricts refrigerant flow, commonly used in some A/C systems as an alternative to the expansion valve.
  3. Cycling Switch: Monitors system pressure and cycles the compressor on and off to prevent overpressure.
Maintenance Tips
  1. Regular Inspection: Check valves for signs of leaks, damage, or corrosion. Leaks around the valves can reduce system efficiency and cause refrigerant loss.
  2. Check System Performance: Monitor A/C system performance for issues like inconsistent cooling or overheating. Poor performance might indicate a problem with the valves.
  3. Ensure Proper Function: Listen for any unusual noises when the A/C is operating, such as hissing or clunking sounds, which might indicate a malfunctioning valve.
  4. Professional Service: Have the valves inspected and serviced by a professional technician during routine A/C maintenance or if you experience A/C system issues.
Maintenance Steps (Summary)
  1. Locate the Valves: Expansion valves or orifice tubes are usually found in the refrigerant lines between the condenser and evaporator.
  2. Inspect for Leaks: Check for refrigerant leaks around the valves, which can often be identified by oily residue.
  3. Test Functionality: Ensure the A/C system operates correctly with the valves in place, noting any issues with cooling performance or pressure.
  4. Replace if Necessary: If a valve is faulty or damaged, follow the vehicle manufacturer’s guidelines for replacement.
Proper maintenance of automotive valves ensures the A/C system functions efficiently, maintaining optimal cooling performance and system reliability.
  1. 制冷剂流量控制:阀门调节制冷剂在空调系统不同部分之间的流动,如冷凝器和蒸发器之间。这确保根据系统需求进行适当的冷却和加热。
  2. 压力调节:一些阀门,如膨胀阀或热膨胀阀(TXV),调节制冷剂的压力,确保其在蒸发器内以正确的温度和压力蒸发。
  3. 系统效率:通过控制制冷剂的流量和压力,阀门帮助优化空调系统的效率,提高制冷性能和燃油效率。
  4. 温度管理:阀门调整进入蒸发器的制冷剂量,以控制吹入车厢的空气温度。
  1. 膨胀阀(TXV:控制进入蒸发器的制冷剂量,并保持正确的压力和温度。
  2. 喷嘴管:一种固定的计量装置,通过限制制冷剂流量来替代膨胀阀,常用于一些空调系统中。
  3. 循环开关:监控系统压力,控制压缩机的启停,以防止过高压力。
  1. 定期检查:检查阀门是否有泄漏、损坏或腐蚀的迹象。阀门周围的泄漏可能降低系统效率并导致制冷剂流失。
  2. 检查系统性能:监测空调系统的性能,注意是否存在冷却不均或过热的问题。这些问题可能表明阀门存在问题。
  3. 确保正常功能:听取空调运行时是否有异常噪音,如嘶嘶声或撞击声,这可能表明阀门故障。
  4. 专业服务:在例行空调维护或遇到空调系统问题时,寻求专业技术人员的检查和维修服务。
  1. 定位阀门:膨胀阀或喷嘴管通常位于冷凝器和蒸发器之间的制冷剂管路上。
  2. 检查泄漏:检查阀门周围是否有制冷剂泄漏,通常通过油腻的残留物来识别。
  3. 测试功能:确保空调系统在阀门正常工作的情况下运行,注意冷却性能或压力问题。
  4. 必要时更换:如果阀门故障或损坏,请根据车辆制造商的指南进行更换。


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