Being a brand name produced from Yamanashi, (Shirobijin) is a white variety which was cultivated in bags away from sunlight to create its distinct white snow skin.
They are producted in low quantities and only certain time of the season. Its milky-colored soft flesh with rich juice content makes up its unique characteristics, not to also forget the intense sweetness and superior fragrance, which makes you delight with every savor. (Ittoushou) grade has a sweet level of 12 degree and above, which is the representative of rich sugar content and excellent melting texture with over-flowing refreshing juice.
Shirobijin peach is a good source of vitamin C and fiber and are a source of vitamin A and beta-carotene, potassium, fluoride and iron, lutein, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, zeaxanthin and beta-cryptoxanthin. It also can prevents macular degeneration in ageing and cancer.