Figo Mini Mantou Plain 原味 馒头 300G

Figo Mini Mantou Plain 原味 馒头 300G

Category: Mantou / Bun Series Available
RM 6.50 For more information, visit our official website at

  • Packet/carton: 12Packet / Carton

To cook Figo Mini Mantou Plain 原味 馒头 300g, you can follow these simple steps for steaming or boiling:

Steaming Method (Traditional Way)

  1. Prepare a Steamer: Fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. Make sure the water level is below the steaming rack or tray.
  2. Arrange the Mantou: Place the Figo Mini Mantou on a steaming tray or rack. Leave some space between each bun to allow them to expand as they cook.
  3. Steam the Mantou: Once the water is boiling, place the tray with the mantou into the steamer. Cover with a lid.
  4. Steam for 10-12 minutes: Steam the mantou for about 10-12 minutes, or until they are fully heated through and soft.
  5. Serve: Carefully remove the mantou from the steamer and serve warm.

Boiling Method (Quick and Easy)

  1. Boil Water: Bring a pot of water to a boil.
  2. Add Mantou: Gently drop the Figo Mini Mantou into the boiling water.
  3. Cook for 5-7 minutes: Boil the mantou for about 5-7 minutes until they float to the surface and become soft.
  4. Drain and Serve: Remove the mantou from the pot using a slotted spoon, drain, and serve.

Tip: You can also lightly oil the surface of the mantou before steaming or boiling to prevent them from sticking to each other.

Enjoy your soft and fluffy mantou!


当然!这是Figo Mini Mantou Plain 原味 馒头 300g的煮法:


  1. 准备蒸锅:在锅中加水,烧开,确保水位低于蒸架或蒸盘。
  2. 排列馒头:将Figo Mini Mantou放在蒸盘或蒸架上。每个馒头之间留出一些空间,避免蒸制时互相粘连。
  3. 蒸馒头:水开后,将蒸盘放入蒸锅中,盖上盖子。
  4. 蒸10-12分钟:蒸10-12分钟,直到馒头完全加热,变得松软。
  5. 取出食用:小心取出馒头,趁热食用。


  1. 煮水:在锅中加入水并烧开。
  2. 加入馒头:将Figo Mini Mantou轻轻放入沸水中。
  3. 煮5-7分钟:煮5-7分钟,直到馒头浮出水面,变得松软。
  4. 捞出食用:使用漏网勺将馒头捞出,沥水后即可享用。



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