Cross Hatch Tester
This method is used for deter_x001f_min_x001f_ing the par_x001f_al_x001f_lel groove paint adh_x001f_e_x001f_sion of one or many lay_x001f_ers on a sub_x001f_s_x001f_trate, gen_x001f_er_x001f_ally a metal panel. Cross Hatch Testers are avai_x001f_l_x001f_able in 2 dif_x001f_fer_x001f_ent cross_x001f_cut blade ver_x001f_sions, one is a multi-cut blade with 6 cutt_x001f_ing edges, the other ver_x001f_sion has one cutt_x001f_ing edge. The Cross Cut blades are made of har_x001f_d_x001f_ened steel alloy and are designed for retain_x001f_ing a sharp cutt_x001f_ing edge to reduce the fre_x001f_quency of blade replace_x001f_ment.
ASTM D3359 requires 11 cut lines:
1 mm cut_x001f_ter for films up to 50 µm (2 mils) thick
2 mm cut_x001f_ter for films between 125 µm (2 - 5 mils) thick
ISO 2409 pre_x001f_scribes that the num_x001f_ber of cuts shall be 6, and that the cut in each direc_x001f_tion must be accord_x001f_ing to the film thick_x001f_ness and type of coat_x001f_ing used as shown below:
0 - 60 µm 1 mm space for hard sub_x001f_s_x001f_trates (metal)
0 - 60 µm 2 mm space for soft sub_x001f_s_x001f_trates (plas_x001f_tic)
61 - 120 µm 2 mm space for hard or soft sub_x001f_s_x001f_trates
121 - 250 µm 3 mm space for hard or soft sub_x001f_s_x001f_trates
Complies with ASTM D3359,ISO2409-1992,DIN 2409, ECCA T-6,BS 3900E6