大吉大利 DA JI DA LI

大吉大利 DA JI DA LI

Category: 感恩礼 GIFT BOX Available (Qty:1)
Purchasable on official site
RM 145.00 For more information, visit our official website at thaiteetea.com


【 产品参考/ Product reference 】

产品:樟香普洱 357g x 1pc

Product: Zhang Xiang Pu Er 357g x 1pc
Place of Origin: China

[温馨提醒/  Reminder]
It doesn’t recommend to drink scented tea before have your food .

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Thaitee Tea Merchant Sdn. Bhd.
Thaitee Tea Merchant Sdn. Bhd. Fine Tea Distributor Selangor, Chinese Tea Supplier KL, Flower Tea Supply Klang, Malaysia ~ Thaitee Tea Merchant Sdn. Bhd.
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