JB Town Semi-Detached House FOR SALE
鬒Taman Kolam Air @ JB Town
鬒类型 Type: 双层半独立 Double Storey Semi-Detached
鬒建立面积 Built up: 3,182sqft
鬒土地面积 Land area: 40x80 approx.
鬒房 厕3Bed 2 Bath
鬒永久地契Freehold | Individual title
鬒北 Facing North
鬒非土著 Non-Bumi lot
鬒新油漆 Newly painted
鬒扩充阳台With extendable big balcony
鬒额外土地Extra land
Near By with:
鬒Short distance to Clinic, Convenient shop,Pharmacy.
鬒5 min to Hospital Sultanah Aminah (HSA)
鬒10min to CIQ / Future RTS station
鬒25 min to Senai International Airport
Asking: RM950K
Owner Listing for Sale or Rent are welcome!!
PropNex Realty Malaysia
Sean Lee (REN09894)
Tel: +6012-7722 830