Product Description
HP Sealer is a water-based acrylic sealer. It provides excellent resistant to fungus growth, moisture and mild alkalinity to interior walls. Suitable for interior and exterior surfaces of plaster, masonry, brickwork, hard and soft boards.
Application Data / Data Penggunaan : -
- Touch Dry / Kering Sentuh : 15 mins
- Hard Dry / Kering Penuh : 1 jam
- Recoating Interval / Tempoh Lapisan Semula : Min. 2 hours / jam (4) Theoretical Coverage at Recommended Dry Film / Liputan Teori : 0.11 – 0.14ltr/m2 OR/ATAU 8-10m2 per liter. Depends on the surface condition and application method. / Bergantung pada keadaan permukaan dan cara-cara mengecat.
Surface Preparation / Penyediaan Permukaan :-
New masonry Surface: Allow wall to dry out thoroughly. Remove dirt, dust, grease and other contaminants before painting. / Pastikan permukaan dinding luaran dan dalaman baru yang hendak dicat benar-benar bersih dan kering. Tanggalkan semua kotoran, habuk, minyak dan bahan-bahan pencemaran yang lain sebelum mengecat.
Application Methods :-
- Brush / Roller : Dilute with 0 – 5% with water
- Conventional Air Spray : Dilute with 0 – 10% with water
- Cleaning Procedure : Clean up equipment with water immediately after use.
Direction for Use / Peraturan Penggunaan :-
- Stir well before use. Application can be done by brush, roller or sprayed on. / Kacau cat sehingga sebati. Gunakan berus, penggelek atau penyembur untuk mengecat.
- Apply 1 coat of SKK Water Base Sealer, Thin if necessary , not more than 10% water. / Sapukan satu lapisan SKK Water Base Sealer. Jika perlu, carikannya kurang daripada 10% air.
- Finish off with your desire top coat. / Akhirnya, sapukan cat hiasan atas atau cat kemasan.
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