Loctite 406

Loctite 406

Category: Instant Bonding Available
For more information, visit our official website at aerochem.com.my


Features and Benefits

A 1-part, exceptionally low-viscosity instant adhesive forming an ultra thin adhesive film for smallest adhesive gaps in seconds (fast-fixturing). Suitable for plastics and elastomeric materials.
LOCTITE® 406 is a low-viscosity instant adhesive designed especially for the fast bonding of plastics and rubbers. It fixes the adhering components in seconds and hardens very quickly, forming an ultra thin bond. Using the primer LOCTITE® SF 770, the assembly of difficult-to-bond (PP, PE, PTFE) materials is possible.

  •      Rapid fixture time on plastic and rubber, including EPDM
  •      Assembles difficult-to-bond materials using LOCTITE SF 770 primer
  •      Very low viscosity product for small gaps
  •      Reduced hazardous ingredients for improved occupational safety

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