16451B Dielectric Test Fixture

Category: LCR Meter and Impedance Measurement Product Accessories Available
For more information, visit our official website at elsotech.com.my


Key Features & Specifications

≤ 30 MHz

Measurement parameters:
capacitance (C), dissipation factor (D), and dielectric constant (εr', εr'')

Material-under-test size:
thickness: ≤ 10 mm
diameter: 10 to 56 mm


The 16451B is used to evaluate the dielectric constant of solid dielectric materials accurately, and complies with ASTM D150. The 16451B employs the parallel plate method, which sandwiches the material between two electrodes to form a capacitor. An LCR meter or an impedance analyzer is then used to measure the capacitance created from the fixture.

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