量子共振水晶光治疗 Quantum Resonance Crystal Therapy
量子共振水晶光治疗 Quantum Resonance Crystal Therapy


量子共振水晶光治疗 Quantum Resonance Crystal Therapy

8in1 量子共振水晶光治疗
  1. 沃格尔水晶
  2. 频率医学
  3. 水晶声疗
  4. 能量精油
  5. 脉轮助推器
  6. 太赫磁治疗床
  7. 标量波
  8. 灵气治疗

  • 各种情绪导致的疼痛   
  • 失眠
  • 抑郁症
  • 忧郁症
  • 焦虑症
  • 放松解压
  • 癌症 (舒缓所有的不适和疼痛,提升自愈力)
  • 能量调频
  • 提神醒脑,有活力
  • 思想思维更清晰
  • 修补和提升气场
  • 清理和平衡脉轮
  • 平衡身心灵
  • 稳定情绪,内心宁静
  • 提升专注力,从而提升工作能力/学习能力
  • 坚持一段时间后会看到自己的蜕变,突破人生。改变不合适的信念。
  • 打通阻塞的能量管道,排出不能为您带来益处的能量,让你整个人有翻新一样的感觉
以柔和而有效的方式融合科学与精神。 我们已经创建了强大的现代自然疗法,将旧的范式转变为新的自然疗愈方式。
▪️创造积极的 DNA表达
▪️通过紫外线和粉红色 LED清除痤疮和皮肤斑点
▪️平衡 pH值

Treat various symptoms
  • Various Pain caused by Emotional issues
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Cancer
  • Low Energy
  • Energy frequency modulation
  • Refreshing and energetic
  • Think more clearly
  • Repair and improve your aura
  • Clear and balance chakras
  • Balance mind, body and soul
  • Stabilize emotions and achieve inner peace
  • Improve concentration, thereby improving work ability/learning ability
  • After persisting for a period of time, you will see your own transformation and breakthrough in life. Change inappropriate beliefs.
  • Open up blocked energy channels, discharge energy that cannot bring you benefits, and make you feel like you have been renovated.

The Quantum Resonance Crystal Therapy
Melds science and spirit in gentle and effective ways. We have created powerful, synergistic protocols that shift us from the old paradigms to new ways of being. 

▪️relaxes through vibration therapy
▪️helps autoimmune disorders
▪️creates positive DNA expression
▪️works with cellular intelligence
▪️rebuilds the subtle bodies
​▪️reduction of inflammatory markers
▪️non-invasive and safe
▪️suitable for all ages
▪️helps sinus & migraine issues
▪️helps insomnia & boost low energy
▪️effectively improve depression and anxiety problems
▪️clears acne and skin blemishes via UV and deep red LED's
▪️fine line and wrinkles 
▪️homeostasis of the inner and outer field of the body
▪️Cleanse & boost aura and chakra balancing
▪️brain balance
▪️balances Ph levels
▪️plus many more benefits

水晶和彩光的结合可以使身体恢复健康,并产生一种镇定的感觉,整日都将陪伴您。 所传递的能量提供有益的效果,可以净化,激活和平衡人体中的脉轮或能量中心。 基本上,它可以消除负面能量因素并提供积极正面的平衡,从而使您感觉更好,精神奕奕,活力充沛。 人体具有自然的生命能量频率并不断寻求保持固有的平衡频率。 在生活中,身体被周围环境的能量轰炸,并试图重新平衡自己。 所有类型的能量系统都会影响我们自己的能量领域,例如人,手机,电源线,电器,环境等的能量辐射会让自然频率失去原有的平衡。量子共振晶体疗法使用多种自然能量来放松细胞,减少炎症并提高人体自身的自然频率,以达到体内平衡或平衡的目的。

The combination of crystals and light works to heal the body and create a calming feeling that will stay with you throughout the day. The energy that is transmitted provides a beneficial effect that cleanses, energizes, and balances the chakras or energy centers in your body. Basically, it works by clearing out the negative and providing a positive balance that helps you feel better. The human body has a natural frequency or a median frequency that it constantly seeks to maintain at any given moment. During a day, the body is bombarded by the energy of its surroundings and seeks to rebalance itself. All types of energy systems can affect our own energy fields, people, cell phones, power lines, etc., the natural frequency becomes distorted. The crystal bed uses a composition of energy to relax cells, reduce inflammation and boost the body’s own natural frequencies to creates homeostasis or balance.
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是一项基于能量医学的技术,结合了 Vogel 型石英晶体,UV LED光疗,Royal Rife 频率,脉冲电磁场,双耳音疗以及有精油的治疗作用 - 所有这些都可以同时并根据患者进行调整。 这种全面,安全的疗法利用振动,频率,标量波和多种其他有益方法来支持人体恢复体内平衡的能力,并增加人体康复的潜力。
Related: A TEDx Talk on Beating Lyme Disease

Quantum Resonance Crystal Therapy
is an energy medicine-based technology that incorporates Vogel type Quartz Crystals, UV LED phototherapy, Royal Rife frequencies, pulsed electromagnetic fields, binaural sounds, as well as the therapeutic actions of orgone and essential oils – all simultaneously and coordinated to the patient. This comprehensive and safe therapy uses vibrations, frequencies, scalar, and multiple other beneficial approaches to support the body’s ability to restore homeostasis and increase the potential for the body to heal.
Related: A TEDx Talk on Beating Lyme Disease
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通过使用 DNA指示细胞行为的关键要素,这系统,可在其中搭载正在发送给细胞的信息。发送的信息通过上述方式增强了内部系统。


磁性 - DNA是螺旋状的梯子,不是笔直的扭曲。一旦理解了这个概念,我们就可以理解它从心脏发送电流来驱动磁响应。
频率 – DNA和细胞需要振动和频率才能知道要使用的化学物质。 DNA对周围的频率有反应。
光 – DNA和线粒体需要光才能在细胞中生成 ATP。这是驱动细胞功能的燃料。
紫外线 – DNA对紫外线的标量光子刺激反应最佳。
意向 – 如果未设置意向,则DNA会受到来自低振动的提示。这意味着没有 DNA的正确信息,复制自身的细胞将无法正常运行。

By using key elements of how DNA instructs cells to behave, the manufacturers of this technology have developed a system where it piggybacks the information being sent to cells. The information being sent is like the Hippocratic oath (do no harm) and is simply boosting the internal systems through the above-mentioned ways.

But how does all this work together?
DNA needs to meet a few conditions before it can fully function:

Magnetism – DNA is a coiled ladder, not a straight twist. Once we understand this concept, we can understand that it sends electrical current from the heart to drive the magnetic response.
Frequency – DNA and the cells need vibrations and frequencies to know which chemicals to use.  DNA responds to the frequencies around it.
Light – DNA & mitochondria need Light to generate ATP in the cells. This is the fuel that drives the cellular function.
UV Light – DNA responds best to scalar photonic stimulation from ultraviolet radiation.
Intention – DNA receives cues from low vibrations if intentions are not set. This means that cells that have replicated themselves no longer function well without the proper information from DNA.
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标量波是我们人体可以使用的最重要的能量,因为它们在高维空间中工作。 它们可以自然或人工创建。 当与意图或晶体耦合时,标量波效果最好。两者均用于量子共振晶体疗法中。
降噪耳机就是一个很好的例子。 他们通过发出精确相反的波形来消除频率。 剩余的能量被视为标量波。 为了真正深入人体并处理量子场,您需要标量波能量。

Here’s a breakdown of the different systems utilized and how they work as described by the manufacturer of this unique technology:

Scalar Energy
Scalar waves are some of the most important energies we can work with since they work in a higher-dimensional space. They can be created naturally or artificially.  Scalar waves work best when coupled with intention or crystals – both of which are used in the Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed. 

What is an example of Scalar energy?
Noise-canceling headphones are a great example. They are canceling out a frequency by sending out the exact opposite waveform. The leftover energy is considered scalar. ​In order to go really deep into the body and work with the quantum field, you need SCALAR energy. 


PEMF 是脉冲电磁场​​的缩写。当我们产生脉冲时,我们会产生一个具有频率的波形。频率可以被视为能量的标志。当我们对磁场施加脉冲并使该场崩溃时,我们将产生具有频率的标量波能量。如果我们可以将其包裹在水晶上,那么水晶可以包含能量并将其发送给水晶床上的人。基本上,您的细胞对这种柔和的信息形式反应良好。

Ultraviolet (UV) Light
Science has shown us that cellular response to UV light is greater than any other waveform of light. When used in a responsible and appropriate way,  UV light can increase the response of cellular change and stimulate clearing inside the cell.  We have developed a responsible and beautiful way to integrate UV light into the system that informs the cells and allows change at a fundamental level. Furthermore, when UV light is pulsed at frequencies tuned to cellular de-differation, the RNA, DNA, cellular makeup responses in kind. In other words, the body likes and responds to UV light in special ways.  
Studies have been made that show the type of UV  light that is used in the Crystal Bed actually reverse cellular damage as well as a host of other benefits. 

Infrared Light
The great thing about deep red and infrared light is that it really helps with balancing and calming the cells. After being energetically stimulated by the UV, the cells need to be calmed down. Skin blemishes, rashes, inflammation all get special treatment this way. There are many other benefits deep inside the body like homeostasis and cellular function. We use wide spectrum lights to bring the most amount of even light to the body. No harsh spikes of certain colors. 

Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF)
PEMF is short for a pulsing electromagnet field. When we pulse something, we create a waveform that has a frequency.  Frequencies can be considered a signature to a body of energy. When we pulse a magnetic field and collapse that field, we create scalar energy that has a frequency. If we can wrap it around a crystal, the crystal can contain the energy and send it in to the person on the crystal bed.   Basically, your cells respond really well to this gentle form of information.

声音疗法 (音疗)
声音涵盖了我们大部分的感官体验,可以使一个人进入崇高的生存状态。 我们可以通过双耳节拍通过水晶碗或全脑状态获得疗愈,提升与平衡。
通过将人通过声音转换为特定频率,我们能够在细胞中创建开放窗口,从而允许注入光,磁和标量波能量。 真正注入细胞让整体感觉平静与幸福。

Sound Therapy
Sound encompasses a majority of our sensory experience and can shift a person into sublime states of being.  We can achieve bliss through crystal bowls or whole-brain states with binaural beats.  
In the crystal bed, we use sound transducers that vibrate the person laying on the massage table and headphones to create whole-brain states.
By shifting a person into a specific frequency through sound, we are able to create windows of openness in the cells that allow for the infusion of light, magnetic and scalar energy.  A true infusion of peace and bliss. 

Vogel / Orgone治疗
每个支架内部是数百种各种类型的小晶体和矿物质的基质。 我们还在基质中注入了精油,再加上UV,LED和用于磁场的 Mobius线圈。 这些是真正的艺术品,被设计为 VOGEL 和 ORGONE 生成器。
Orgone 是晶体,金属,油或其他材料的混合物,这些材料 “悬浮” 了放入内部物体的频率。 要激活 Orgone混合物,您需要压缩混合物以激活石英并创建压电效果或通过它传送电流。 当 Orgone处于活动状态时,它将产生标量波能量,而 Vogel晶体可以保留该能量。

Vogel Holders / Orgone Therapy
Designed to hold the crystals, these little gems are literally made with gems.  Inside each holder is a matrix of hundreds of small crystals and minerals of various types. We also have infused essential oils in the matrix plus UV, LED and a Mobius coil for the magnetic field. These are truly works of art that are designed as holders and Orgone generators. 
Orgone is a mix of crystal, metal, oils or other materials that “suspend” the frequencies of the objects put inside. To activate the Orgone mix, you need to compress the mix to activate the quartz and create a piezo effect OR send electricity through it. We do both. When Orgone is active, it creates Scalar energy and the Vogel crystals can hold that energy. 

先为您做一个全面的咨询,填写一份关于您的身心灵健康状况和相关疑虑的问卷之后,我们将讨论您的身心灵健康需求和意图。 然后,根据您的治疗需求,对水晶光疗系统进行个性化的治疗准备,包括光疗,色疗,频率,声疗和音疗。 每节疗程持续 60分钟。 为了获得最佳效果,建议进行多次治疗,80分钟是最长治疗时间。

After completing a consultation intake form capturing your conditions and concerns, we will then discuss your intentions. The crystal bed is then set up with an individualized treatment combination of light, color, frequency, and music specific for your treatment needs. Each session lasts from 60 minutes. Multiple treatments are recommended for maximum results, and 80 minutes is the maximum time you will spend on the therapeutic, healing bed.

大多数人在第一节疗程后都会感觉一些即时的效果和改善,但是建议做多几节疗程以达到更好,更有活力的效果。 在接下来的一天和几周里,您会感到整个人很清新,精力充沛,精神饱满,比之前更有活力,压力没了,疼痛消失了,正面了,情绪平衡,感觉更开始平静,失眠改善了,等等。但是也有可能先感受调理反应,例如口干,身体微热,爱睡,累,情绪波动,排毒等等。这是自然疗法正常的调理反应。先排出不能够为您带来益处的能量,病气,杂气,负能量然后再提升和平衡。 几周后,大多数人将开始感受到总体效果。 为了获得理想的效果,我们建议您连续治疗5-10次。

Most people report somewhat immediate results and shifts following their first session, but multiple sessions are recommended to feel better and more energized. You will feel fresher, more energetic, and ready to take on the day and weeks ahead. Most will start to feel the overall effects after a few weeks. For ideal results, we recommend 5-10 consecutive treatments.
量子共振水晶光治疗 | 失眠 | 抑郁症 | 忧郁症 | 焦虑症 | 压力 | 癌症 | 能量低 |
Quantum Resonance Crystal Therapy | Insomnia | Depression | Anxiety | Stress | Cancer | Low Energy |
RM 690.00 RM390.00