Use Hand Tools while Avoiding Injuries

Use Hand Tools while Avoiding Injuries

Use Hand Tools while Avoiding Injuries. 

Severe cuts that require stitches. 

Broken bones when tools slip or fall. 

Serious eye injuries from chipping or chiseling. 

We don’t mean to worry you but we found it best to kickstart our blog with some hair-raising facts to highlight the importance of hand tools safety and awareness. Hand tools are necessary equipment on most job sites or DIY projects. That being said, they can cause very serious injuries when they’re not used or maintained correctly. Here are 5 suggested ways to prevent injuries to yourself and others when using hand tools.


Wear appropriate Personal Protectve Equipment (PPE) 


Feeling fine at the end of your shift does not pass for the fact that you’ve properly protected your body. PPE is basically self defense - they protect you from any physical harm or hazards that the workplace environment may present. Examples of PPE include reflective vests, goggles, helmets, gloves, harnesses and more. All in all, wear PPE to safeguard your health and well-being, both for now and down the road.


Shop Kiro safety equipment and attires here:


 Inspect your hand tools

Inspect your hand tools before every use - check for faulty parts that may be rusted, splintered, loose or damaged. If they are defected, repair or replace them. Hand tool inspections are often overlooked by many but if tools become defective, they can cause serious injuries. 

To illustrate, if the wooden handle of a hammer is cracked or loose, the head may potentially fly off and cause accidents. When using dull saws or knives, you’re likely to apply more pressure to your materials - leading to a higher chance of slippage thus increasing the risk of injury to yourself. 

Look at Gerard here for instance (we thought the name suited him well), who’s carefully inspecting his tools before use - he is making safety a priority here.

Image by: Jeriden Villegas


Have a good grip of the tool


Always select a hand tool that fits your hand and the job that you’re doing. It is recommended that you opt for a tool with a handle that is wrapped with a soft non-slip material as they offer a better and more comfortable grip. 


Besides, by adding a sleeve to a tool it increases the diameter of the handle which reduces the risk of any hand fatigue or injuries. If gloves are worn, ensure that the tools being used can still be gripped easily without risking a slippage. 


Image by: Eric Wendt

Shop Kiro’s comfortable, non-slip screwdriver set here:


Employ hand tools in a comfortable work position

Use the right tool for the right job in the right way. Awkward postures or harmful contact pressures while working with hand tools can cause discomfort to your body. They may affect your wrist, shoulder, elbow or back posture without you realizing until the work piece is done. Over time, bad work postures may even contribute to an injury.


When using hand tools, avoid raising your shoulders and elbows. Instead, keep them relaxed and your arms at your side. Do not apply excessive force or pressure on tools. In actual fact, relaxed body postures make it a whole lot easier to drive downward force.


Image by: Emmanuel Ikwuegbu


Carry and store hand tools correctly

Practice cleaning tools after each use before returning them to their designated storages. On another note, it is recommended that you lubricate tools that have adjustable parts - remember to wipe away any excess with a rag to avoid corrosion and rust. 

Store tools properly and do not leave them laying around. Consider using a bucket, tool bag or a bucket when you’re carrying tools up and down a ladder. Needless to say, do not toss or throw any hand tool to a person.Tools are recommended to be handed over handle-first from the hand of the giver, ensuring a safe grip for the person borrowing the item.


Image by: Pop & Zebra


Shop Kiro Bags & Storage here:

Conceptualize the idea that you are responsible for your own safety and the safety of others. Some may perceive that safety measures are common sense but they can be forgotten or overlooked if you don’t make it a habit. Ultimately, knowing safety is not enough - you have to practice it. 


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Here at Kiro Home DIY, we offer a huge collection of affordable home improvement goods, garden supplies, hardware tools and more. Be a Kiro Hero today and enjoy quality goods and look forward to more blog posts in the future!



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Written by:

Tracy Ng
