STP-iXA3306C VG300

分类: STP-iXA3306C Turbomolecular Vacuum Pump 当前有货


The STP-iXA3306 series magnetically levitated turbomolecular pump provides industry-leading performance and incorporates a small power supply into the onboard control unit – the latest technology of the well-established STPiXA3305 series.
The height of the pump is equal to the STP-XA2703/XA3203 and is also equal to the height of the STP-iXA3305 series without its power supply (iPS-1200). This fully integrated product offers easy installation and a small footprint as an all-in-one solution for all application tools.

Features & Benefits:

Technical Data:
Inlet flange size ISO250F / VG250 / ICF305 ISO320F / VG300 / ICF356
Backing port size KF40 K40
Pumping speed N2 2650 ls-1 3200 ls-1
Pumping speed Ar 2300 ls-1 2800 ls-1
Weight 80 kg 83 kg
Compression ratio N2/H2 >108 / 2 x 103
Ultimate pressure 10-7 Pa (10-9 Torr)
Allowable backing pressure 266 Pa (2 Torr)
Max gas flow N2 *(water cooled only) 4000 sccm
  (6.76 Pam3s-1)
Max gas flow Ar * (water cooled only) 2100 sccm
  (3.55 Pam3s-1)
Rated speed 27700 rpm
Starting time <10 minutes
Mounting position Any orientation
Input voltage 200-240 V
Max input power without TMS 1500 VA
Max input power with TMS 1800 VA
* The maximum gas flow is applicable under conditions that N2 or Ar gas is pumped continuously with water cooling temperature under 25º C and the backing pump (10,000 l/min size) is used. It is changed on condition

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Glovac Sdn Bhd EDWARDS:: Industrial Pump Kuala Lumpur (KL), Chemical Pump Supplier Selangor, Industrial Vacuum Distributor Malaysia ~ Glovac Sdn Bhd