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M.T.T. Tetrazolium, A.R.
Magenta acid see Fuchsin Acid
Magenta basic see Fuchsin Basic
Magnesia see Magnesium Oxide
Magnesium Acetate, 4-Hydrate, A.R.
Magnesium Bromide, 6-Hydrate, C.P.
Magnesium Carbonate, Light, C.P.
Magnesium Chloride, 6-Hydrate, A.R.
Magnesium Citrate, 14-Hydrate, A.R.
Magnesium Fluoride, C.P.
Magnesium Hydroxide, C.P.
Magnesium Nitrate, 6-Hydrate, A.R.
Magnesium Oxide, heavy, Extra Pure
Magnesium Oxide, Light, C.P.
Magnesium Perchlorate, C.P.
Magnesium powder, C.P.
Magnesium Stearate, C.P.
Magnesium strip. 2mm x 10cm x0.2mm C.P.
Magnesium Sulfate , 1.0 mol/l. "READIL"
Magnesium Sulfate, 7-Hydrate, A.R.
Magnesium Sulfate, anhydrous, A.R.
Magnesium Sulfite, 6-Hydrtae, C.P.
Magnesium Trisilicate, C.P.
Magnesium, AAS standard soln. 1000mg/l
Magnesium, Ribbon, C.P.
Magnesium, turning , C.P. (for Grignard Reaction)
Magneson I, A.R.
Magneson II, A.R.
Malachite Green , 0.1% Aquous Solution
Malachite Green, (5% Aqueous soln) - 500ml
Malachite Green, C.I.42000
Maleic acid, C.P.
Maleic anhydride, C.P.
Maleic Hydrazide, C.P.
Mallory's Triple Stain.
Malonic acid, C.P.
Malonitrile acid, C.P.
Malt Extract, “Bacto”.
Maltodextrin, C.P.
Maltose, 1-Hydrate, C.P.
Maneval's Modified stain.
Manganese (II) Acetate, 4-Hydrate, C.P.
Manganese (II) Carbonate, C.P.
Manganese (II) Chloride, 4-Hydrate, A.R.
Manganese (II) Nitrate, Solution
Manganese (II) Sulfate, 1-Hydrate, A.R.
Manganese (IV) Oxide, C.P.
Manganese Dioxide see Manganese (IV) Oxide
Manganese powder, 99.8% , C.P.
Manganese Sulfate monohydrate
Manganese Sulfate solution see Winkler's Solution.
Manganese Sulfate, pentahydrate
Manganese, AAS standard soln. 1000mg/l
m-Anisidine, C.P.
Marble Chips, 1.5-9mm, C.P.
Marquis's Reagent (For Alkaloids)
Martius Yellow
Masson's Trichrome Special Staining Kit
Masson's Trichrome Staining Kit
May Grunwald's Staining Kit.(for Bone Marrow).
Mayer's Reagent.(for Alkaloids). "READIL"
May-Grunwald Solution
May-Grunwald's Eosin Methylene Blue Solution
Mcfarland Standard Solution. 0.5. "Micro" Turbidity check for bacteria
Mcfarland Standard Solution. 1.0. "Micro" Turbidity check for bacteria
Mcfarland Standard Solution. 2.0. "Micro" Turbidity check for bacteria
Mcfarland Standard Solution. 3.0. "Micro" Turbidity check for bacteria
Mcfarland Standard Solution. 4.0. "Micro" Turbidity check for bacteria
m-Cresol Purple
m-Cresol Purple, 0.04% alcoholic soln
m-Cresol, C.P.
m-Dinitrobenzene, C.P.
Meat Extract powder, "Biochem".
Meat Infusion powder, "Biochem".
Melamine, C.P.
Menadione Sodium Bisulfite, "Biochem".
Menadione, "Biochem".
Menthol, C.P.
Mercaptoacetic acid see Thioglycolic Acid
Mercuric salts see Mercury (II) salts
Mercuric Thiocyanate, G.R.
Mercurous Chloride, Extra Pure
Mercurous salts see Mercury (I) salts
Mercury (I) Chloride, A.R.
Mercury (I) Nitrate, A.R.
Mercury (II) Acetate, C.P.
Mercury (II) Bromide, A.R.
Mercury (II) Chloride, A.R.
Mercury (II) Iodide- red , A.R.
Mercury (II) Nitrate, A.R.
Mercury (II) Sulfate, A.R..
Mercury (II) Thiocyanate, A.R./ACS.
Mercury (II)-Oxide- red, C.P.
Mercury (II)-Oxide- yellow, C.P.
Mercury, 99.999%.
MES see Morpholinoethane sulfonic acid
Mesityl Oxide, C.P.
meso-Inositol, "Biochem". (Myo-Inositol)
Meta-Cresol purple see m-Cresol Purple
Metanil Yellow
Metanilic Acid, C.P.
Meta-Phosphoric acid, C.P.
Methacrylic Acid Butyl Ester see Butyl Methacrylate monomer
Methacrylic acid, C.P.
Methanesulfonic Acid, C.P.
Methanesulfonyl Chloride, C.P.
Methanol, A.R/ACS.
Methanol, A.R/ACS.
Methanol, C.P.
Methanol, D4, D-99.5+%.
Methanol, HPLC.
Methoxybenzene see Anisole
Methoxybenzoic acid see Anisole
Methyl Acetate, C.P.
Methyl Aceto Acetate, C.P.
Methyl Acrylate, stabilised C.P.
Methyl Alcohol (J.T.Baker), HPLC
Methyl Alcohol (J.T.Baker), Ultra Resi-Analyzed
Methyl Alcohol, Bio
Methyl Alcohol, CMOS
Methyl Alcohol, ELH
Methyl Alcohol, Extra Pure
Methyl Alcohol, G.R.
Methyl Alcohol, HPLC
Methyl Alcohol, LC-MS
Methyl Alcohol, Pesticide
Methyl Alcohol, Ultimate
Methyl Alcohol, Ultra Dry
Methyl Alcohol-Dried, G.R.
Methyl Anthranilate, C.P.
Methyl Benzene see Toluene
Methyl Benzoate, C.P.
Methyl Blue, C.I. 42780
Methyl butyl ether see methyl tert-Butyl Ether.
Methyl Cellosolve, C.P.
Methyl Cellulose, C.P.
Methyl Chloroformate, C.P.
Methyl Cyanide see Acetonitrile
Methyl Cyclohexane, ( 99%.)
Methyl Ethyl Ketone, A.R. (M.E.K)
Methyl Green, C.I. 42585
Methyl Iodide, C.P.
Methyl Iso-Butyl Ketone, A.R. (MIBK)
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone, Extra Pure
Methyl Methacrylate, A.R.
Methyl Orange, 0.1% Alcoholic Solution
Methyl Orange, 0.1% Aqueous Solution
Methyl Orange, C.I.13025
Methyl Orange-Xylene Cyanol, Indicator Soln.
Methyl Paraben, Extra Pure
Methyl Purple. (pH transition:- 5.4)
Methyl Red, 0.1%, Alcoholic
Methyl Red, 0.2%, Alcoholic
Methyl Red, C.I.13020
Methyl Red-Methylene Blue, Indicating Soln.
Methyl Salicylate, C.P.
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether, A.R.
Methyl Thymol Blue
Methyl violet, C.I.42535
Methyl Yellow
Methyl Yellow Soution
Methyl-4-Hydroxybenzoate, C.P. (M-Paraben)
Methylamine 40% Aqueous, C.P.
Methylamine Hydrochloride see Methylammonium Chloride
Methylammonium Chloride, C.P.
Methylated Spirit, C.P.
Methylene Blue, 1%, Alcoholic Solution
Methylene Blue, 1%, Aqueous Solution
Methylene Blue, Alkaline, (Loeffler)
Methylene Blue, Alkaline, (Loeffler).(500ml)
Methylene Blue, Alkaline, (Loeffler)--500ml
Methylene Blue, C.I. 52015
Methylene Chloride see Dichloromethane
Methylene Chloride, D2, D-99.9%.
Methylene Chloride, Technical
Methylene Iodide see Diiodomethane
Metol, (Photo), C.P.
m-Hydroxyacetophenone, C.P.
Mica powder, C.P.
Millon's Reagent, C.P.
Mineral Oil see Paraffin Liquid
Mineral Sach Culture Solution. "READIL"
Molecular Sieves 13x1.5mm
Molecular Sieves 3Ax1.5mm
Molecular Sieves 4A 4x8
Molecular Sieves 4Ax1.5mm
Molecular Sieves 5Ax1.5mm
Molisch's Reagent. "READIL"
Molybdenum (VI) Oxide, Extra Pure
Molybdenum Disulfide, C.P.
Molybdenum Disulfide, Extra Pure
Molybdenum Disulphide, C.P.
Molybdenum Trioxide, C.P.
Molybdic acid- 85% , A.R.
Molybdic Anhydride see Molybdic troxide
Molybdovanadate Reagent. "READIL" (For Phosphate test)
mono-Calcium Phosphate, 1-Hydrate, C.P .
Mono-chloro Acetic Acid see Chloroacetic acid
Monochlorobenzene, Extra Pure
Monochlorobenzene, G.R.
Monochlorobenzene, HPLC
Monoethanolamine, C.P.
Mono-Ethylene Glycol see Ethanediol
Mordant Black 11 see Erichrome Black T
Mordant Orange 1 see Alizarine Yellow R
Morpholine, C.P.
Morpholinoethane sulfonic acid (MES), (99+%) C.P.
Morpholinopropane Sulfonic acid (MOPS), (99%) C.P.
m-Phenylenediamine, C.P.
MSTFA.. 97%
m-Tolualdehyde, 97%
m-Toluic acid, C.P.
m-Toluidine, C.P.
Mucicarmine (Mayer)
Mucicarmine Staining Kit see Southgate's Mucicarmine Staining Kit
Murashige and Skoog Basal Medium(MS) with Vitamins
Murashige and Skoog Basal Medium(MS) with Vitamins(10x)
Murexide. (Ammonium Purpurate)
m-Xylene, C.P.
myo-Inositol, Extra Pure
myo-Inositol, G.R.
Myristic acid, C.P. (Tetradecanoic Acid)

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