Low Temperature Incubator (Programmable, Peltier Cooling) (IJ101)

Low Temperature Incubator (Programmable, Peltier Cooling) (IJ101)

分类: IJ Series 当前有货
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Fixed Temp. Incubator from small to large capacity, high functional and best-selling for long years
Features of Low Temperature Incubator (Programmable, Peltier Cooling) (IJ101)
Item Code 221164
Model IJ101
Type Forced convection
Operating Temperature Range 5~60℃(at room temp.25℃)
Temp. Control Accuracy ±0.3℃(at 37℃)
Temp. Distribution Accuracy ±1.0℃(at 37℃)
Time to Max. Temp. 20~60℃ 60min.
Time to Lowest Temp. 20~0℃ 100min.
Interior Stainless steel
Exterior Chrome free electronic galvanized plated steel plate chemical proof baking finish
Heat Insulator Urethane foam
Heater Mica heater 120W
Condenser Peltiert element, Forced radiation type
Temp. Control Method PID
Operation Function Program operation (30 steps x 1, 15 steps x 2, 10 steps x 3), Fixed operation, Quick auto-stop, Auto-stop, Auto-start operation
Additional Functions Calibration off-set, Key-lock function, Auto recovery function at power failure
Sensor Double sensor: Platinum resistance Pt 100Ω (Temp. controller), K-thermocouple(Overheat preventor)
Safety Functions Self-diagnostic function(Temp. sensor error, heater failure, SSR short-circuit, Auto overheat), Overheat prevention(IJ201/301), Liquid pressure overheat preventor, Over-current ELB, Main relay error
Shelf Loading Capacity Approx. 15kg/ shelf
Shelf Step 7 steps
Accessories Shelf(Stainless punching metal) 2pcs., Shelf support 4 pcs., Receiver for drain 1pc.
Internal dimensions(W×D×H mm) 250×250×250mm
External dimensions(W×D×H mm) 350×399×565mm
Remarks(dimensions) 15.6L
Power Source AC115/220V
single phase with step-down transformer
Weight 20kg
Maintenance and warranty
Conditions: temperature and humidity: 23 deg.C+/-5 deg.C, 65%RH+/-20% (no load)
External dimensions do not include protrusions.

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