testo 875-1i - Infrared camera with SuperResolution

testo 875-1i - Infrared camera with SuperResolution

分类: Testo Data Loggers 当前有货
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Ideally equipped for industrial and building thermography: The testo 875-1i thermal imager means even the smallest temperature differences can be seen with a thermal sensitivity of < 50 mK. You can create real images with the built-in digital camera and assign these to the thermal images.

  • Very good image quality: IR resolution 160 × 120 pixels, with SuperResolution Technology 320 × 240 pixels
  • Precise measurement: thermal sensitivity < 50 mK, high-quality 32° × 23° lens with manual focus, automatic hot/cold spot detection
  • Built-in digital camera creates a real image in parallel to the thermal image

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