testo 885 - Thermal imager: ideal for industrial and building thermography

testo 885 - Thermal imager: ideal for industrial and building thermography

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Voltage installation inspections, high temperature measurements and circuit board analysis on the one hand. Solar panel system inspections, complete building envelope thermography and construction thermography for energy saving advice on the other. The testo 885 thermal imaging camera is excellently equipped for both professional industrial and building thermography.

  • testo 885 professional thermal imaging camera: resolution 320 x 240 pixels, optional SuperResolution enhanced to 640 x 480 pixels, thermal sensitivity < 30 mK
  • Optional high temperature measurements up to 1 200 °C
  • Panorama image function, SiteRecognition technology, humidity calculation, JPEG storage, optional: sequence storage in the unit and much, much more 

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