Closed position indicator switch
Type K01/1
for solenoid valves
MV.../5, SV... 510-520 V7
double solenoid valves
DMV…/11, DMV.../12
MB-… 407, 412 B07
Technical description
The K01/1 closed position indicator switch is a mechanically activated microswitch for monitoring the position of the valve plate in DUNGS multiple actuators and solenoid valves.
The K01/1 can be easily mounted on all DUNGS safety solenoid valves and multiple actuators:
MV.../5 Rp 3/8 up to DN 150
MB-D(LE) 407, 412 B07
MB-ZRD(LE) 407, 412 B07
SV-(DLE) 510-520...V7
DMV-D(LE) 503/11 - 525/11
DMV-D(LE) 5040/11 - 5125/11
DMV-D 525/12
DMV-(DLE) 5065-5125/12
The K01/1 is suitable for gases of families 1, 2, 3 and other neutral gaseous media.