Environmental Measurements - C.A 1822 Thermometer 2 inputs KJTENRS Thermocouple

Environmental Measurements - C.A 1822 Thermometer 2 inputs KJTENRS Thermocouple

分类: Loggers 当前有货
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Compact and magnetized for fixed or portable use, the CA 1822 is an accurate, versatile, long-lasting thermometer. Equipped with a wide backlit display, it offers all the useful functions for work in the field, such as Min, Max, Hold and ΔT as well as spot or programmable recording possibilities.
Communicating via USB or Bluetooth, it is possible to program alarms and recording triggers on thresholds by means of the Data Logger Transfer software.
Additional specifications:
- 2 inputs for K, J, T, N, E, R or S thermocouples.  
- Measurement range: - 210 °C to +1,767 °C
- Intrinsic uncertainty:
(J, K, T, N, E)  θ ≤ - 100 °C : ± (0.2% R + 0.6 °C)
(J, K, T, N, E) -100 °C <  θ ≤ + 100 °C : ± (0.15% R + 0.6 °C)
(J, K, T, N, E) +100 °C < θ: ± (0.1% R + 0.6 °C)
(R, S) θ ≤ + 100 °C : ± (0.15% R + 1.0 °C)
(R, S) +100 °C < θ: ± (0.1% R + 1.0 °C)
- Resolution: 0.1 °C or 1 °C
- Min, Max, Hold and ΔT functions, Alarms  / °C or °F / Backlighting
- Recording up to 1 million points
- USB or Bluetooth interfaces
- IP54 casing
- Miniature female compensated connector
- Dimensions: 150 x 72 x 32 mm
- Weight: 260 g with batteries
- Compatible with the Multifix accessory
- Shockproof protective sheath available as an accessory

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