Multi-channel Power & Energy - PEL102

Multi-channel Power & Energy - PEL102

分类: Loggers 当前有货


Ergonomic, magnetized and suitable for all types of cabinets, PEL102 loggers provide all the power and energy measurements simultaneously.
Other specifications:
Voltage up to 1,000 V
Current up to 10,000 A
Voltage ratio / current ratio up to 650,000 V / up to 25,000 A
Power from 10 W/var/VA to 10 GW/Gvar/GVA
Energy up to 4EWh / 4 EVAh / 4 Evarh
Phase: cos φ, tan Φ, PF
Harmonics up to 50th order
8 GB SD memory card (SD-HC card up to 32 GB)

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United Integration Technology Sdn Bhd
United Integration Technology Sdn Bhd Test Instruments Manufacturer Malaysia, Measuring Equipments Supplier Selangor, dataTaker Instruments Supply KL ~ United Integration Technology Sdn Bhd