Dulux PureAir

Dulux PureAir

分类: Interior Paint 当前有货
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Dulux PureAir™ is a low VOC, low sheen finish high quality paint that comes with fungus resistance, mould resistance and anti-bacterial properties. It is able to neutralize formaldehyde and reduces the amount of VOCs in the air, effectively making the air in one’s home as fresh as the great outdoors.

Neutralises formaldehyde
Complies with JC/T 1074-2008 ''Purificatory performance test method of coatings on air purification''
Low VOC, low odour
Mould & Fungus resistant
Low sheen finish

更多 裕成丰油漆有限公司 相关资料
裕成丰油漆有限公司 Paints Supplier, decoration paints and industrial paints supply Johor Bahru (JB) - Ju Seng Hong (M) Sdn Bhd