Dry Ice Block ( 2 Pcs )

Dry Ice Block ( 2 Pcs )

分类: Dry Ice 当前有货
RM 63.00 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站 fuiwah.com.my


Pre-order 2 days in advance 

minimum order: 2 pcs

*Optional to purchase with styrofoam box (additional charge applies)

Please inquiry through Whatsapp 012-899 7373

更多 Fui Wah Enterprise Sdn Bhd 相关资料
Fui Wah Enterprise Sdn Bhd
Fui Wah Enterprise Sdn Bhd Ice Cube Supplier Malaysia, Ice Tube Delivery Selangor, Ice Crush Supplies Kuala Lumpur (KL) ~ Fui Wah Enterprise Sdn Bhd