• Carbon Dioxide (CO2) output 0-10 Vdc
• Humidity (rH) output 0-10 Vdc
• Temperature (T) output 0-10 Vdc
• LCD display
• Carbon Dioxide (CO2) sensor
NDIR Sensor with auto calibration
• Carbon Dioxide (CO2) ranges
0-2000 ppm or 0-5000 ppm, jumper selectable
• Carbon Dioxide (CO2) accuracy
±60 ppm for range 0-2000 ppm ± 2% f.s
±150 ppm for range 0-5000 ppm ± 2% f.s
• Temperature (T) accuracy
± 0.3°K (+5°C to +60°C) +2.5% f.s.
• Humidity (rH) accuracy
± 2% (20 to 80% rH) +2% f.s.
• DIP switch on pcb to select:
- Relative Humidity,
- Absolute Humidity,
- Dew Point or
- Enthalpy
• Passive temperature sensing element
PT1000, PT100, NTC 10K, NTC 20K, NTC 1.8K , NI1000 etc as option
• VOC sensor output on request
• See all the different types in data sheet.
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