Starfound Industrial supplies a wide range of DOLD Relay Modules & Switches in Malaysia.
DOLD product range covers safety switch gear, mechanical guard locking, emergency stop module, safety relay, safety edge module, delay modules, extension modules, multifunctional safety timer, multifunctional safety module, etc.
Example of DOLD SAFEMASTER model series: Emergency Stop Module BG 5925, Emergency Stop Module BG 5924, Emergency Stop Module IP 5924, Emergency Stop Module UF 6925, Emergency Stop Module RK 5942, Emergency Stop Module LG 5924, Emergency Stop Module LG 5925, Safety Module for Elevator Controls LG 5925.03/034, Emergency Stop Module with Time Delay LG 5928, Emergency Stop Module BD 5935, Emergency Stop Module BD 5987, Emergency Stop Module with Voltage Failure Detection BH 5903 / BL 5903, Emergency Stop Module with Time Delay BH 5928 / BI 5928, Emergency Stop Module BN 5930.48/203, BN 5930.48/204, Emergency Stop Module BN 5983, Switch Gear for Safety Switch BG 5925/920, Safety Module for Safety Switches LG 5925/920, Emergency Stop Module BN 5930.48, Emergency Stop Module BO 5988, Light Curtain Controller LG 5925/900, Two-Hand Safety Relay BG 5933 / BH 5933, Two-Hand Safety Relay LG 5933, Two-Hand Safety Relay BD 5980N, Safety Mat Switch Gear BG 5925._ _ /910, Safety Edge Module, Extension Module BG 5929, Extension Module UG 6929, Speed Monitor UH 6932, Frequency Monitor UH 6937, Multifunctional Safety Timer UG 6960, Multifunctional Safety Timer UG 6961, Multi-Function Safety System M Control Unit BH 5911. Interface Module HC 3098, Interface Module IK 3079, Interface Module HK 3078N,
Example of DOLD POWERSWITCH model series: Semiconductor Contactor with Current Monitoring BH 9251, Solid-State Relay / Contactor PH 9260, Solid-State Relay / Contactor PH 9260.92, Solid State Relay / Contactor with Load Circuit Monitoring PH 9270
Example of DOLD MINISTART model series: Softstarter UH 9018, Sofstarter for Heating Pump PF 9029, Softstarter & Softstop Device GF 9016, Softstart/Softstop with Reverse Function RP 9210/300, Softstarter BI 9025 / BL 9025, Motor Brake Relay BN 9034, GB 9034, Phase Controller IN 9017, Smart Motorstarter UG 9410
Example of DOLD Speed Controller Model Series: Speed Controller SX 9240.03
Example of DOLD VARIMETER RCM/IMD model series: Residual Current Monitor Type B RN 5883, Insulation MOnitor MK 5880N, MH 5880, Insulation Monitor IL 5880, IP 5880, SL 5880, SP 5880, Insulation Monitoring Relay BD 5877/241, Insulation MOnitor UH 5892, Phase Sequence Module IL 9059, SL 9059, OA 9059, Neutral Monitor IL 9069 / SL 9069
Example of VARIMETER model series: Asymmetry Relay AK 9840, Frequency Relay IK 9143, SK 9143, Voltage Relay MK 9064N, MH 9064, Voltage Relay RL 9854,, Undervoltage Relay BA 9043 / AA 9943, Voltage Relay BA 9036
Example of DOLD MINITIMER model series: Flasher Relay IK 7827, Multifunction Relay SN 7920, Multifunction Relay MK 7850N/200, Multifunction Relay BC 7935N, Timer Release Delay BA 7954
Example of DOLD MINIMASTER model series: Analogue Output Module for CANopen IL 5507, Input/Output Module for CANopen IN 5509
Other models: Resistor Module UG 5123, Diode Module UG 5122, Protective Diode Module IK 5121, Input/Output Module Analogue for Modbus UG 9461