Colección: Esferificantes
Familia: Texturizantes
Sodium alginate, product from different types of algae (Fucus, Laminaria, Macrocrystis ...). It has the peculiarity of forming gels in presence of calcium As with any hydrocolloid, it needs a part of water to hydrate.
Properties: Gelificante when interacts with calcic means.
How to use: For direct spherification, mix with the desired preparation For reverse spherification, mix in the water bath
Application: Any liquid with a pH ≥4 and with a water content higher than 80% (direct spherification).
Remarks: By itself it only acts as a thickener.Always use mineral water for reverse spherification. In fatty media presents dissolution problems. In fatty media find incompatibilities. In alcoholic media it offers problems depending on the degree of alcohol and lack of water.
Elaborations: Direct Spherification / Reverse Spherification