Pressure Meters - Extech RHT50

Pressure Meters - Extech RHT50

分类: Pressure Meters - Manometers 当前有货


RHT50: Humidity/Temperature/Pressure Datalogger
Records Relative Humidity, Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure
The RHT50 records Relative Humidity (0 to 100%RH), Temperature (-40 to 158°F /-40 to 70°C) and Atmospheric Pressure (13.7 to 15psi / 950 to 1050hPa / 95 to 105kPa / 0.9 to 1.0bar). Datalogs up to 10,000 readings with user programmable sample rate from 1 minute to 18 hours. USB interface for easy set-up and data download. Selectable Atmospheric Pressure Units: psi, hPa, kPa, and bar. User-programmable High/Low alarm thresholds. Manual and Programmable start modes. Status Indication via Red/Yellow LED and Green LED. Complete with 3.6V Lithium battery, mounting bracket, and Windows® compatible analysis software.


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