SDL700: Pressure Meter/Datalogger
Records data on an SD card in Excel® format
The SDL700 is a pressure meter/data logger that displays 10 types of pressure on its large backlit dual LCD display. This meter records data on an SD card in Excel format for future reference and analysis. This meter is complete with a 3 year warranty, 6 x AA batteries, SD card, and hard carrying case.
Accepts interchangeable transducers with ranges of 30, 150, 300psi (transducers sold separately)
Meter automatically senses plug-in transducer's range and calibration
Displays 10 types of pressure units
Offset adjustment used for zero function to make relative measurements
Adjustable data sampling rate: 1 second to 8hrs:59min:59sec
Stores 99 readings manually and 20M readings via 2G SD card
Large backlit dual LCD display
Record/Recall MIN, MAX, Data Hold, Auto Power Off
Complete with 6 x AA batteries, SD card, and hard carrying case (transducers sold separately)
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