Current and Voltage - Extech SD910

Current and Voltage - Extech SD910

分类: Calibrators 当前有货


Extech SD910: 3-Channel DC Voltage datalogger
Records data to SD card in Excel® format
Extech's SD910 allows technicians to easily monitor and record DC mV values from 3 external sensors, transducers, and other sources using one meter. It also stores the time and date of when readings are taken. The logger features a large triple LCD display and records data on an SD card in an Excel®-ready format for easy transfer to a PC for analysis, trending, and archiving. Complete with six AAA batteries, SD memory card, Univeral AC Adaptor with multi-plugs (US, EU, UK, AUS), 3 input connect sockets, and mounting bracket.

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United Integration Technology Sdn Bhd
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