离婚案件调查 Divorce Cases Investigations

离婚案件调查 Divorce Cases Investigations

分类: 婚姻调查 Relationship Investigation 当前有货
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当两对已婚夫妇不想跟彼此生活并想结束他们的关系时。 双方可以达成协议,也可以是在财产、孩子抚养权、赡养费等发生争议。 由于我们深知离婚案件的调查并不容易,所以我们组建了一大批专案侦查人员,可以轻松办案。 Warta 调查团队始终关心客户,并向他们提出可以使他们的案子更有说服力的最佳建议。

我们的侦查组人员时刻保持警惕,以查明目标人物背后尴尬活动的真相。 我们借助 GPS 跟踪器、摄像、录音、电话窃听等先进设备捕捉他/她的所有活动。不用担心案件的机密性。 我们永远不会让他/她知道他/她正在我们的雷达上,然后我们会分析报告并提供给您。 让您清楚您的配偶背后不知情的原因。

When two married couples don't want to live with each other and they want to end their relationship. It can be mutually agreed or there can be dispute over the property, child custody, alimony and all that. Since we are aware of that divorce case investigation is not easy so we have teamed up a great groups of special investigation officers who can handle the case easily. Warta Investigation team always concerned about the client and suggest them best advice which can make their case strong.

Our group of investigation officers is always alert to find out the truth behind the target person awkward activities. We capture all his/her activities by the help of advanced equipments like GPS tracker, videography, sound recording, phone tapping etc. Don't worry about the confidentiality of case. We would never make him/her to know that he/she is being on our radar and then we prepare analysis report and provide you. It makes you clear about the reasons behind your spouse ignorance.

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