What is HRD Corp TTT Certification ?
As a HRD Corp Certified Trainer, your training is claimable to HRD Corp Registered employer. The quality of a training programme not only depends on the training facilities, it is also highly dependent on the quality of trainers conducting the training. The implementation of HRD Trainers’ Development Framework (HRD-TDF) will create a pool of competent and skilled training professionals. This will support the human capital development needs of the nation through better quality and more effective training delivery. The HRD Corp Certified Trainer status would only be applicable within HRD Corp training landscape that covers various schemes offered by HRD Corp.
This certificate course will enable you to become a competent corporate trainer to Design, Conduct and Assess training program based on the latest HRDTraining Development Framework.
Course Objectives
By participating in this course, you will be able to: