Gemilang 小状元亲子学习宝 Sains Tahun 2

Gemilang 小状元亲子学习宝 Sains Tahun 2

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RM 7.50 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站



- 100% berteraskan buku teks terbaharu. Kepelbagaian latihan disediakan bertujuan membantu murid mencapai standard pembelajaran dan menguasai kemahiran bahasa.
  Latihan diterapkan unsur KBAT dan i-THINK bagi merangsang pemikiran berstruktur dan berfokus dalam kalangan murid. Penilaian Akhir Tahun diselitkan bagi menilaipencapaian murid.
- Follows closely to the topics in the latest English textbook. All aspects of language arts learning and thinking skills have been incorporated into the activities in this book.
  The questions are set and integrated with other subject matter to make learning fun and interesting. Its varied and fun activities strengthen pupils language and boost their minds.
- 由资深教师根据最新的课程标准和DSKP编写而成。习题适量并融入KBAT 和 i-THINK 元素,巩固学生对各技能的掌握。
*Our products are 100% original from manufacturer and we are authorised distributors for most famous brand.

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