SYK Seamaster (1L/5L)Weather Pro7900 Silk Pro7500 Acrylic Exterior Paint Interior Paint Wall Painting Cat Luar Cat Dalam

SYK Seamaster (1L/5L)Weather Pro7900 Silk Pro7500 Acrylic Exterior Paint Interior Paint Wall Painting Cat Luar Cat Dalam

分类: Wall Paint & Coatings 当前有货 (数量:202)
Pro Paints
Weather Pro - 1LWeather Pro - 5LSilk Pro - 1LSilk Pro - 5L
RM29.00 - RM115.00 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站


Product Specification about Seamaster Weather Pro 7900 ( Exterior ) & Silk Pro 7500 ( Interior ) Wall Paint.

** Seamaster Weather Pro Acrylic Exterior Wall Finish (3 years) 7900G
- Seamaster Weather Pro Arcylic Exterior Wall Finish is made to resist fungi and algae growth on your beautiful exterior. Highly performative and durable under the tropic weathers, your exterior walls would resist colour fading with Weather Pro's colour fastness property.

** Product Features:
- 3 years product warranty
- Excellent durablity
- Excellent adhesion
- Washable and stands up well to efflorescence
- Dirt pick up resistance
- Contains highly effective non-mercurial algae and fungus
- Excellent alkali resistance

** Product Application
- Touch dry: ≤ 20min
- Hard dry: ≤ 1 hour
- Recoating interval: 2 hours
- Therotical Coverage: 10-12 m/litre
- Application: Brush / Roller / Spray

** Product Coating
- Primer: Seamaster Acryseal Wall Sealer 1700WS/1701 (No of coats: 1)
- Finish Coat: Seamaster Weather Pro Acrylic Exterior Wall Finish 7900G (No of coats: 2)

** Seamaster Silk Pro 7500
- Seamaster Silk Pro Easy Wash Finish brings your interior to life with satin finishing. Silk Pro is washable, has good adhesion and resists alkaline and unwanted fungi well. As you slip into your silk pyjamas, your interior goes to sleep wrapped in satin walls. Breathe through the night peacefully amongst your walls that has low odour and is free from harmful chemicals.

** Product Features:
- Low VOC
- Fungus resistance
- APEO & Formaldehyde free product

** Product Application:
- Touch dry: ≤ 30min
- Hard dry: ≤ 1 hour
- Recoating Interval: 3 hours
- Therotical Coverage: 11-13 m/litre
- Application: Brush / Roller / Spray

**Product Coating
- Primer: Seamaster Base Coat Wall Sealer 1600BC (No of coats: 1)
- Finish coat: Seamaster Silk Pro Easy Wash Finish 7500 (No of coats: 2)

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