- 涵盖四至六年级所学的文体
- 文体多元齐全,题材广泛且丰富
- ‘拟定提纲’ 以思维导图呈现
- ‘习作范文’ 提供‘挑战习作’的作家
- 附‘佳句优段‘
- Varied topics for all-round reference
- Billingual glassary
- Brief outlines provided to give helpful guidance on writing
- Comprehensive model question with complete answer
- UASA-based model question for effective practice
- 30 Model Respons Kritis dan Kreatif
- 30 Model Penulisan Perenggan
- 30 Model Penulisan Karangan (Berformat dan Tidak Berformat)
- Ekstra:
: Bahan Penulisan
: 20 Model membina ayat
: 30 Model membina ulasan
: 60 Model menulis karangan
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