Get Set for Year One - Sains

Get Set for Year One - Sains

分类: Science 当前有货 (数量:3)
RM 6.60 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站



: Bahasa Melayu
- Kemahiran berkomunikasi
- Kemahiran membaca
- Kemahiran menulis
- Kemahiran berfikir secara kritis dan kreatid
: English
- Communication skills
- Reading skills
- Writing skills
- Critical and creative thinking skills
: Maths
- Numeracy skills
- Problem-solving skills
- Critical and creative thinking skills
- Communication skills
: Science
- Scientific skills 
- Problem-solving skills
- Critical and creative thinking skills
- Communication skills
: Bahasa Cina
- 沟通技能
- 阅读技能
- 书写技能
- 批判性和创造性思维技能
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