HORIBA – Multiparameter Meters - Dual Channel pH/ORP/ EC/TDS/Res/Sal/Temp (PC 110, PD 110)

HORIBA – Multiparameter Meters - Dual Channel pH/ORP/ EC/TDS/Res/Sal/Temp (PC 110, PD 110)

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HORIBA – Multiparameter Meters - Dual Channel pH/ORP/ EC/TDS/Res/Sal/Temp
Brand: Horiba
Model: PC110, PD 110

Models PC 110
Dual Channel pH/ORP/ EC/TDS/Res/Sal/Temp (°C)
PD 110
Dual Channel pH/ORP/ DO/Temp (°C)
pH range -2.00 to 16.00 pH -2.00 to 16.00 pH
Resolution 0.01 pH 0.01 pH
Accuracy ±0.01 pH ±0.01 pH
Cal points 5 5
Buffer options USA, NIST, Custom USA, NIST, Custom
ORP range ±2000 mV ±2000 mV
Resolution 1 mV 1 mV
Accuracy ±1 mV or 0.2% of reading
(whichever is greater)
±1 mV or 0.2% of reading
(whichever is greater)
Dissolved Oxygen Range - 0.00 to 20.00 mg/L
0.0 to 200.0%
Resolution - 0.01 mg/L or 0.1%
Accuracy - ±0.1 mg/L
Salinity Compensation - 0.0 to 40.0 ppt
Barometric Pressure Compensation - Yes
DO Probe Type - Galvanic with integrated temperature sensor
Calibration - 1 or 2 points
EC range ... μS/cm to 200.0 mS/cm (K=1.0) -
Resolution 0.05% F.S. -
Accuracy ±0.6% F.S.;
±1.5% F.S. > 18.0 mS/cm
Ref- temperature 15 to 30 °C (adjustable) -
Temp. compensation 0.00 to 10.00% (adjustable) -
Cell constants 0.1/ 1.0/ 10.0 -
Cal points 4 points (Auto/Manual) -
Units setting Auto ranging / Manual
μS/cm or mS/cm or S/m
TDS range ... mg/L to 100 g/L (TDS factor = 0.5) -
Resolution 0.01 mg/L -
Accuracy ±0.1% F.S. -
TDS curves EN27888, 442, Linear (0.40 to 1.0), NaCl -
Resistivity Range 0.000 kΩ•cm to 20.00 MΩ•cm -
Resolution 0.05% F.S. -
Accuracy ±0.6% F.S.
±1.5% F.S. > 1.80 MΩ•cm
Salinity 0.0 to 100.0 ppt
0.00 to 10.00 %
Resolution 0.1 ppt / 0.01% -
Accuracy ±0.2% F.S. -
Cal curves NaCl / Sea water -
Temperature range -30.0 °C to 130 °C -
Resolution 0.1°C -
Accuracy ±0.4°C -
Memory 1000 1000
Auto Data-logging Yes Yes
Real time clock Yes Yes
Date/ time stamping Yes Yes
Auto-Shut Off Yes (programmable: 1 to 30 mins) Yes (programmable: 1 to 30 mins)
Auto-Hold / Stability Yes Yes
Offset display Yes Yes
Slope display Yes
(independent acid and alkaline slopes depending on calibration)
(independent acid and alkaline slopes depending on calibration)
Cal Alarm Yes
(programmable: 1 to 400 days)
(programmable: 1 to 400 days)
Electrode status On screen display On screen display
Diagnostic messages Yes Yes
Display Custom LCD with backlight, Dual channel Custom LCD with backlight, Dual channel
Inputs Dual BNC, phono, DC sockets Dual BNC, phono, DC sockets
Outputs RS232C RS232C
IP Rating IP67, shock resistant IP67, shock resistant
Power Requirements 2 x ‘AAA’ or LR03 or Ni-MH rechargeable batteries or power adaptor 2 x ‘AAA’ or LR03 or Ni-MH rechargeable batteries or power adaptor
Battery Life > 200 hrs > 500 hrs
Kit* includes: PC110-K Waterproof pH/ORP/EC/TDS/Res/Sal handheld data meter (3999960174)
• PC110 meter
• 9651-10D plastic gel-filled pH electrode
• 9382-10D plastic-body, Titanium/Platinum black, conductivity cell, k=1.0
• pH 4.01, pH7.00, 1413 uS/cm, 12.88 mS/cm solutions (60ml)
• carry case
PD110-K Waterproof pH/ORP/DO handheld data meter (3999960175)
• PD110 meter
• 9651-10D plastic gel-filled pH electrode
• 9551-20D Galvanic DO probe, 2m cable
• pH 4.01, 7.00, 10.01 solutions (60ml)
• carry case
*Kit with NIST buffers set is available upon request. Add ‘N’ suffix to order code when ordering

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