Whitening & Brightening
Effectively combating the effects of UV damage and oxidative stress. It promotes a more even skin tone and reduces redness and discoloration, ultimately resulting in a healthier complexion.
Improves Fine Lines & Wrinkles
By restore collagen into skin. This improved collagen synthesis helps maintain skin elasticity and firmness, leading to a more youthful appearance.
Suppress Acne Production
Soothing the skin and reducing inflammation. It also assists in maintaining balanced oil production, reducing the likelihood of acne development.
Making Skin Firmer & Elastic
Filling more collagen into skin layers. This essential protein is vital for maintaining youthful and supple skin.
Minimizes Pore Size
Well-hydrated and balanced skin, contributes to the minimization of visible pores.
Anti-Aging & Sun Protection
Protecting against UV damage and promoting collagen restoration. While it is not a substitute for sunscreen, it may offer some protection against premature ageing, keeping your skin looking youthful and healthy.