ES250 EUROSAFE Secured By Combination Lock & Keylock | Safety Cabinet | Lock Cabinet

ES250 EUROSAFE Secured By Combination Lock & Keylock | Safety Cabinet | Lock Cabinet

分类: Safety Cabinet 当前有货 (数量:40000)
Handling Fee
Ground Floor / By LiftFirst FloorSecond FloorThird Floor
RM3330.00 - RM3855.00 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站


A home safety box, fairly small in size. Ideal for depositing valuables such as anything from petty cash to ownership documents. Fireproof and secured by keylock.

It sets a tone of smart, clean and modern looks
Easy cleaning with clean cloth
This unit has been tested for office use and meets the requirements for safety
It`s recommended for Hotel, Meeting Room, College, Institutes or office use

ES250 Eurosafe Secured By Combination Lock & Keylock

Important Notes :

  1.  Handling Charges will be imposed for manual handling to each floor by staircase.
  2.  Mezzanine floor is considered as one floor.

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Dream Office Concept Sdn Bhd
Dream Office Concept Sdn Bhd Office Renovation Contractor Selangor, Office Furniture Supplier KL, Office Equipment Supply Klang, Malaysia ~ Dream Office Concept Sdn Bhd