5VX850 Narrow Cogged V-Belt is a high horsepower energy saver which features a molded cog design. When the proven reliability, economy and efficiency of conventional V-belts are combined with an innovative molded cog design, belt users reap important benefits!
• The oil and heat resistant top cover protects the belt from damage while contributing to the belt's dimensional stability. The cover stock is bias cut to provide lateral stability while allowing axial flexibility.
• Stability is assured through the use of the newly formulated fiber loaded Banprene cushion stock that maintains cord "lay" integrity and uniform distribution of load transmission.
• Precision molded cogs provide for optimum flexibility with a minimum of hear build-up. Flexing generates heat, heat will shorten belt life the two factors that increase replacement costs and downtime.
• The fiber loaded compression section provides the gripping action and high coefficient of fiction a conventional cut-edge construction while at the same time, allowing an initial start-u clutching action to eliminate power spikes and excessive bearing loading.