Includes the tools you need to inspect and troubleshoot your home electrical circuits and wiring
Diagnose common wiring problems and check voltages and current with the MM650 True RMS Digital Multimeter and CM1050 True RMS Clamp Meter
ET200 quickly measures current (up to 15A) at any outlet without having to break the circuit
CBF200 3-in-1 Circuit Breaker Finder checks for proper wiring and locates the correct circuit breaker to which an outlet or fixture is connected
IRT220 Non-Contact 12:1 Infrared Thermometer instantly measures an object's surface temperature without making contact
TT-290 8.5'' long-nose plier is a 6-in-1 multifunctional tool that includes Gripping and Looping, Screw Extraction, Stripping, Wire Cutting, Screw Shearing, and Crimping