AngelBiss Valve Holding Chamber (Spacer For Aerosol) for infant / children / adult

AngelBiss Valve Holding Chamber (Spacer For Aerosol) for infant / children / adult

分类: Other Product 当前有货 (数量:27)
Adult AC175 - AChild AC175 - CInfant AC175 – I
RM65.00 - RM65.00 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站


AngelBiss Valve Holding Chamber (Spacer For Aerosol) for infant / children / adult

% Space for Aerosol
% Flow Indicator
% Flow Signal Whistle
% Transparent
% Anti Static

' Adult AC175 - A
' Child AC175 - C
' Infant AC175  I

Medication Reaches Lungs
Volume: 175ml
Material: Medical PETG
Description: Simple, portable, transparent, anti-static, with flow indicator, flow signal whistle is available.

Holding Chambers that allow inhaled medicines to be turned into a mist that can be more effectively inhaled by patients.

When you put an inhaler directly in a patient's mouth, most of the part of medicine lands in the back of the throat or in the mouth and is swallowed and is not effective for patients.

When you use a holding chamber, you are able to breathe in the mist from the holding chamber directly into the lungs and it is not wasted in the back of the mouth.

This makes the medicine much more effective

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