Instruments for gentle root planning
Descriptions :
For root plaining and curettage
Achieve smooth surfaces without loss of substance
Uses non-cutting, elliptical and hexagonal heads
For curettage of the root surface in deep pockets, for bi- and/or tri-furcaration and in the approximal area
For removal of tightly adhesive granulations
For removal of concrement (subgingival plaque)
For periost ablation during flap surgery
Non-cutting hexagonal head – as gentle as a manually operated device and as fast as diamonds
At least 30 – 50 periodontias can be treated per instrument
To be used with 7,000 – 10,000 rpm with light pressure and water spray
Shapes I 23MM (503291)
Shapes II 29MM (503292)
Shapes III 26MM (503293)
Shapes IV 29 MM (503294)
Packaging :
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