ColourVue Trublends

ColourVue Trublends

分类: 1 Month 当前有货
Trublends BlueTrublends BrownTrublends GreenTrublends GreyTrublends Hazel
Power Range
227 已售出
RM9.90 - RM9.90 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站


Trublends is a new range of monthly contact lenses from ColourVue. The lenses have a unique design with a smooth gradient that blends into each other, creating a subtle and natural look with a very slim effect. These coloured contact lenses are ideal for teens and young adults who want to experiment with different eye looks but prefer a subtler option.

Lens Specification

Box Contains : 2 Lenses / Box
Replacement : Months Disposable
Material : -
Water Content : -
Base Curve : 8.6mm
Diameter : 14.2mm

Power Range

0.00 (Plano) 

-0.50 to -5.00 (-0.25 Step)
-5.50 to -8.00 (-0.50 Step)

* Dear customer, kindly contact us via live chat if you need any further information 
* Thank you for shopping with us :)

更多 PANDA LENS 相关资料
PANDA LENS Contact Lens Online Shop, Cheapest & Best Color Lenses in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia | Pandalens